[s-cars] (no subject)

james McCarthy jjssmccarthy at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 12 08:37:24 PST 2009

the lloyds mats are quite nice.  I've got a set on my s6 - and while they do not have the holes - they have a two plastic tags on the back which snap onto the posts holding them very securely in position.

mtgadbois at aol.com wrote:
> Gents,
> Enough of this Eyetalian eye candy BS let's get back to important Audi stuff.? Anyone have first hand
> experience with replacement front floor mats that have the correct locating holes?? I understand from 
> postings made long ago that the Audi OEM dealer ones are all sold.? I do not want rubber mats, 
> I want nice carpet mats and I want mats with holes.? Mine are heel-holed and my locating holes 
> do not hold.? Any idea where to find the proper ones?
> Thanks,
> Mark near Chicago (where it is snowing and all the politicians are honest)


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