[s-cars] sheared crankshaft-gear key

David Giannandrea david.giannandrea at sbcglobal.net
Fri Jan 23 09:33:49 PST 2009

Boy, am I glad I asked this question. Really. I've been enjoying the read.

Now to summarize and finalize:

Yes, we all agree to replace...
	Crank bolt
	'suspect' timing gear

What we have been beating to death and we will never really know the answer
to, is what breaks the keyway:
	1) removal. (lots of agreement)
	2) normal forces. (the BIG UNKNOWN)
	3) abnormal forces (total agreement, loose crank bolt, etc)

We can never answer 2) because the very act of disassembly/failure destroys
the evidence. But I take the data presented to indicate* that this puppy
doesn't fail without help.

*indicate: a probability predicted by data.

And btw, now I'm returning to the garage to replace a water pump that I
thought would last the 2nd t-belt (on the A8, not any I5).

We can quit yelling in agreement now.
And thanks to all the contibutors.

David G.

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