[s-cars] Trunk won't open. Glad to be back!

jeff postupack jeff.postupack at gmail.com
Tue Jul 7 12:27:22 PDT 2009


Welcome back,  so Chris found the first 'bug' eh?

I've read all the replies, not much help yet. Altho Bob R has a good idea
about listening to the mechanism to determine if the mechanical parts are
attempting to move the trunk release.  Dave mentioned using the RF remote..
good idea. but maybe the release rod is not actually moving..

Everything is accessbile only from the trunk inside, crap. Even the tail
light assembly screws are on the inside.

I've taken that area apart many times,
Maybe, thru the ski sock, you can get a long probe to lever open the trunk
latch , looking directly back at the center lower inside edge of the trunk.

Next it might get weird.. and this will be a bitch, get that rear panel off
the deck lid , access thru the ski sock, and expose the mechanism.  there's
about 9 screws that allow the grey panel to drop down from the deck lid, and
expose the lock mechanism. There's 2 nuts at the rear of the lock cylinder
that allow the cylinder to be removed out into the trunk area. to rebuild
the very problem that got you into this mess in the FIRST place.

I don';t have any other bright ideas and can send you photos if you need

Jeff (no so much help either) Posto

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