[s-cars] S Car values

Lee Levitt lee at wheelman.com
Tue Jul 28 16:11:42 PDT 2009

In Massachusetts diesel is selling below premium. In fact I don't  
think I've ever seen diesel sell at a price higher than premium, if  
you factor in the higher diesel fuel economy.

I generally don't buy new cars, but an A4 or Q5 tdi will be very  
tempting. Since we will expect to own it for ten plus years  
depreciation will be less of an issue.


On Jul 28, 2009, at 6:42 PM, Taka Mizutani <t44tqtro at gmail.com> wrote:

> Part of the reason why gas-electric hybrids are popular is simply  
> due to the
> refining mix that we get here in the States- we get much more  
> gasoline out
> of a barrel of oil than diesel. In Europe where it's the other way  
> around
> and diesel is not more costly than gasoline, you can see why there  
> is a 50%
> take rate on diesel vs. gasoline engined cars.

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