[s-cars] Tagged

pkrasusky at ups.com pkrasusky at ups.com
Mon Mar 30 07:22:18 PDT 2009

Mike asked:

<<<Date: Sun, 29 Mar 2009 16:17:24 -0700
From: "Mike Sylvester" <mike at urq20v.com>
Subject: Re: [s-cars] Tagged

The bigger question is, what did he say to the cop?

Did the cop ask you "Do you know how fast you were going?"
If he did your answer is very crucial.

The only good answer to that question is "Yes".



Mike's spot-on with this one.  I got bag'd in MA in Dec. coming back from Mikee Platt's bonfire in the 930 w/ Rossato.  76 in 55, which was kinda laughable as we'd done nearly door to door to door @ 120+++.  I plead NG as the court was all of 18mi north of my office here, and better yet - it bought me like 3+ months more time of MY MONEY.

The process went exactly as Mike's previous email to this one went.  They only need to prove a "preponderance of evidence", and a Trooper is present to discuss the facts with the Magistrate and you.  This is tough to beat.

I plead my case, which I thought was a good one.  But then, the inevitable:

"The Trooper's notes say he asked if you knew how fast you were going, and you replied NO".  End of story, I was SOL there forward.  They then asked me that Q again, to which I could only reply that I was NOT going either 55, nor 76 - both of which were true 8-).

Long story short tho - in MA it was a whopping $100, where in CT that'd been $289 or so.  I happily paid (which you have another like 21 days, AND you can pay online AND can use credit card), and went 120+++ (+++++++) on my merry way.

Sorry I can't help you more, other than to suggest YES go fight it, if only to negate the $$$ level and the specific infraction.  In CT if you know your statutes, you can ask for something less than "speeding", like "unreasonable speed".

HTH, good luck.  Don't let The Man keep you DOWN - FIGHT DA POWAH!!! 8-)

-Paul not particularly right K.

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