[s-cars] Check Engine Light and NO2 smell

David Forgie forgied at shaw.ca
Tue May 5 06:26:55 PDT 2009

Calvin: Since part of my work is preventing people from smelling low levels (e.g. 2 ppm) of "rotten egg" gas
or, sometimes, dieing from high concentrations of it (e.g. 400 ppm), I have to correct you on the "NO2" 
smell. If you smell "rotten eggs", it's hydrogen sulphide, H2S, not NO2. (Sorry).

As your car problem, if mice were in the car, they may have chewed through the insulation on a wire, 
somewhere.  Sounds like a MAF problem or, perhaps, a fuel pump problem, to me.

If you had a CEL while driving, you need to pull the codes and report back.

Dave F.

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