[s-cars] hood latch

Doug Landaeta dlandaeta at gmail.com
Wed May 6 04:15:17 PDT 2009

Reach in from underneath front grill with hooked coat hanger to pull  
loose cable, therby opening hood. Replace two clips securing cable to  
lock carrier cross member. It's possible to thread zip-ties instead or  
new OEM clips. I've had success with both on several cars. Underbonnet  
hear eventually causes them to fail.

Sent from my mobile.

On May 6, 2009, at 6:34 AM, Martin Baggenstos <martin.baggenstos at gmail.com 
 > wrote:

> Hello everyone,
>   I am having problems opening my hood and the latch will not do it. I
> think that the cable has gotten loose and lost some of the play it  
> in. Any
> advice on how I can get my hood open. Is there a way to tighten the  
> wire at
> the latch by my feet?
> Martin Baggenstos
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