[s-cars] which ignition kit

AaronT atay101 at gmail.com
Fri May 8 06:21:17 PDT 2009

I bought the 034 HO kit after fussing with intermittent stock coils and 2
POS failures during the first year i owned the car.  With my wife being the
primary driver I was sold on "This will be the last set of coils you will
ever buy"  Well one just failed but 034 is fully standing behind the
statement.  They claim this is the first failure they have ever seen and
cant wait to get the part back for analysis.  Car is stock with a chip and
coils maybe have 15k mi on them.
When I bought them the news of the 1.8 coils failures was circulating and I
dont think the Delphi coil option was sorted out yet.
How long have people been running the Delphi coils?

On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 8:40 PM, Jack Walker <jack at walkerperformancegroup.com
> wrote:

> So the question is which coil kit of 034's failed, the HO kit?
> And what's the real price long term?
> What's a set of POSs and coils from Audi cost, and if they last 100K why
> are
> we going to such lengths to reinvent something that worked for 100K+?
> EFI Express kit is $425.
> Has anyone other than those selling the EFI kit had much long term
> experience with the kit?
> Is there anything else to be purchased other than what is sold in the kit
> online?
> I do like that it uses Delphi D585 coils for GM (LS2 engines?) in use for
> many vehicles, and is readily available!
> But as I recall aren't those the same comments originally touted for the
> 1.8
> coil revisions.
> http://www.efiexpress.com/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=3
> <http://www.efiexpress.com/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=3&products_id=18
> >
> &products_id=18
> 034's HO kit is $625 plus an option for a bracket (another $65.00).
> Their HO coils are proprietary???? More so than Audi's coil used or the 1.8
> coil?
> http://www.034motorsport.com/product_info.php?products_id=466
> Apikol's kit is $395.00 that uses the 1.8 coils (that clearly aren't the
> improvement originally thought to be). Perhaps because of the 1.8 coils
> over
> heating, although they do have a replacement coil cover for $39.00
> https://www.apikol.com/#Products,Engine,21
> Not meaning to be overly critical, but just wondering?
> I've got a 95 S6A and replaced one coil at around 109K, before the whole
> 1.8
> coil kits became available now have 202K. Probably living on borrowed time,
> but is this preventative in nature?
> Jack Walker
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