[s-cars] exterior chrome door trim part number - verification

P. Dooley weski at icubed.com
Tue May 19 18:15:39 PDT 2009

Calling all family album gurus,

Patient is a 95 S6 sedan.  The chrome trim on the exterior of the doors 
is looking pretty bad and I'm looking to replace them.  I don't use the 
FA too often so could use another set of eyes on what I think are the 
part numbers:
FA Version 7.0
Front doors: Illustration 837-40 - 4A0 853 283 G for left and 4A0 853 
284 G for right
right below each of those part numbers is a date range of 06/94 - 06/95 
2ZZ Chrome
Rear doors: Illustration 839-40 - 4A0 853 763 E for left and 4A0 853 764 
E for right

Am I on the right track with verifying part numbers I need?

2nd question - anyone have some used ones in good shape?


Paul Dooley

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