[s-cars] exterior chrome door trim part number - verification

JenRob jenrob at mchsi.com
Tue May 19 20:11:05 PDT 2009

paul- I assume you are talking about the belt molding just below the window 
at the top of the door. Just a warning- they are riveted onto the door 
To replace them you will have to completely disassemble each door to include 
the window frame assembly from the door shell, and drill out the rivets. 
pop rivet the new ones on the door shell and rebuild the door. The window 
frame assembly is centered in the shell with nifty aluminum shims- best to 
have a
buddy assist in the door rebuild so your window gaps are correct with the 
car body- otherwise you will have air leaks. Don't ask how I know all 
this... - Rob
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "P. Dooley" <weski at icubed.com>
To: <S-Car-List at Audifans.Com>
Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 2009 9:15 PM
Subject: [s-cars] exterior chrome door trim part number - verification

> Calling all family album gurus,
> Patient is a 95 S6 sedan.  The chrome trim on the exterior of the doors
> is looking pretty bad and I'm looking to replace them.  I don't use the
> FA too often so could use another set of eyes on what I think are the
> part numbers:
> FA Version 7.0
> Front doors: Illustration 837-40 - 4A0 853 283 G for left and 4A0 853
> 284 G for right
> right below each of those part numbers is a date range of 06/94 - 06/95
> 2ZZ Chrome
> Rear doors: Illustration 839-40 - 4A0 853 763 E for left and 4A0 853 764
> E for right
> Am I on the right track with verifying part numbers I need?
> 2nd question - anyone have some used ones in good shape?
> TIA,
> Paul Dooley
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