[s-cars] Hankook Winter Tires (totally out of season)

Tom Mullane tmullane at gmail.com
Thu May 28 18:35:03 PDT 2009

We've been running Goodyear Eagle Ultra Grip GW3 on Robyn's car.  Good
tread wear and good in the snow.  $99 at the Tire Rack.  For the A4, I
run some nasty loud studded snows.


On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 8:49 PM, jeff postupack
<jeff.postupack at gmail.com> wrote:
> Abe!  Hey it's great to hear from ya'
> Tires.. I owned the Hankook Icebears and loved them  , well for first 2
> seasons when the tread was fresh.  Thing I liked about them is the V or
> maybe Z rating, because many times in winter up there, the roads are cold
> and clear and I wanted to cruise fast. I setup the S4 in 225-50 x16's and
> would buy the Icebears again. seemed to be that same price just under 100.
> I sold them attached to the Black S6 last November and my buddy ran those
> tires again a 3rd season.  Now they're not gonna be good enough for next
> winter, (my standards) so I told him to just burn them out.
> Blizzak's are excellent and do have that multicell compound, damn good for
> the first 10K.. after that wears out, they get weak , just like any other
> worn snow tire. more bucks too.
> Since it's your family hauler, and you'll be driving slowly, {taking care of
> Natalie} I think the Hankook's would be safe and hang onto mother earth. So
> will the Blizzaks and Michelin Ice whatevers all escalating money burn.
> My neighbor has that Passat 4Motion wagon and hauls his girls all over
> northern NE to ski racing, and he's got lots of room, and never got it
> stuck..Not sure what' his tires are.
> Make sure you have summer or all seasons to preserve the life of the snow
> tires, and keep your edges sharp for winter.! Hah
> Jeff Posto
> On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 8:15 PM, Abe Berman <yellowcuda at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hey there fellas,
>> Long time no post, guess that's what all you dad's have been talking about
>> when you say there's no time for playing with cars....
>> Buying some snows for our "new to us" 05 Passat GLX 4 Motion variant.
>> Purchased some like new ASA 16x7 rims to run them on.  I am running
>> 225/50/17's on the OEM wheels.  I am thinking 205/55/16's on the ASA's.
>> Being a freak (and having full buy in from Wifey right now), I want to buy
>> snows now so I am set for when the Vermont snow starts flying, sometime in
>> late August me-thinks...
>> So, thinking either Blizzak WS6's from Tirerack for $105 each plus $49
>> shipping or Hankook W300 Icebear's from Discount Tire Direct for $96 each
>> (free shipping).  I ran the WS6's on my, "ahem", Integra last winter and
>> they were terrific.  I am hearing that the Hankooks are glorified All
>> Seasons.
>> Anybody care to share some of their experience with the Hankooks?  Of
>> course, open to other suggestions, but I don't want to start a Torsen thread
>> here or anything...
>> I should say that this is for use on the family hauler, so safety is my
>> first goal, next is price.  I am not concerned about all out performance
>> whilst ice-drifting...
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Abe Berman
>> Burlington, VT

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