[s-cars] Hankook Winter Tires (totally out of season)

Abe Berman yellowcuda at gmail.com
Thu May 28 18:42:59 PDT 2009


Thanks for the insights, don't worry, I will be running the summers when the
ground isn't white.  Car looks too pretty with them on not to.  I think
either one is a safe choice.  The free shipping is what I liked about the
Hankooks, the money saved will just about cover mounting and balancing.  So
far, so good on the passat.  Only qualm is that it is one thirsty beast.
Took it to the Cape over the weekend and at best only getting 21.8mpg, worse
than my old 93 ur-S with 170k on the clock (and not even remotely as fast).


On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 8:49 PM, jeff postupack <jeff.postupack at gmail.com>wrote:

> Abe!  Hey it's great to hear from ya'
> Tires.. I owned the Hankook Icebears and loved them  , well for first 2
> seasons when the tread was fresh.  Thing I liked about them is the V or
> maybe Z rating, because many times in winter up there, the roads are cold
> and clear and I wanted to cruise fast. I setup the S4 in 225-50 x16's and
> would buy the Icebears again. seemed to be that same price just under 100.
> I sold them attached to the Black S6 last November and my buddy ran those
> tires again a 3rd season.  Now they're not gonna be good enough for next
> winter, (my standards) so I told him to just burn them out.
> Blizzak's are excellent and do have that multicell compound, damn good for
> the first 10K.. after that wears out, they get weak , just like any other
> worn snow tire. more bucks too.
> Since it's your family hauler, and you'll be driving slowly, {taking care
> of Natalie} I think the Hankook's would be safe and hang onto mother earth.
> So will the Blizzaks and Michelin Ice whatevers all escalating money burn.
> My neighbor has that Passat 4Motion wagon and hauls his girls all over
> northern NE to ski racing, and he's got lots of room, and never got it
> stuck..Not sure what' his tires are.
> Make sure you have summer or all seasons to preserve the life of the snow
> tires, and keep your edges sharp for winter.! Hah
> Jeff Posto
> On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 8:15 PM, Abe Berman <yellowcuda at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hey there fellas,
>> Long time no post, guess that's what all you dad's have been talking about
>> when you say there's no time for playing with cars....
>> Buying some snows for our "new to us" 05 Passat GLX 4 Motion variant.
>> Purchased some like new ASA 16x7 rims to run them on.  I am running
>> 225/50/17's on the OEM wheels.  I am thinking 205/55/16's on the ASA's.
>> Being a freak (and having full buy in from Wifey right now), I want to buy
>> snows now so I am set for when the Vermont snow starts flying, sometime in
>> late August me-thinks...
>> So, thinking either Blizzak WS6's from Tirerack for $105 each plus $49
>> shipping or Hankook W300 Icebear's from Discount Tire Direct for $96 each
>> (free shipping).  I ran the WS6's on my, "ahem", Integra last winter and
>> they were terrific.  I am hearing that the Hankooks are glorified All
>> Seasons.
>> Anybody care to share some of their experience with the Hankooks?  Of
>> course, open to other suggestions, but I don't want to start a Torsen thread
>> here or anything...
>> I should say that this is for use on the family hauler, so safety is my
>> first goal, next is price.  I am not concerned about all out performance
>> whilst ice-drifting...
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Abe Berman
>> Burlington, VT

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