[s-cars] Coolant flushing?

LL - NY larrycleung at gmail.com
Thu Oct 8 05:22:44 PDT 2009

Do have any referring documentation on this, or is this just what one dealer
guy told you?  Considering citrous stuff is quite likely acidic (mild, not
worried about corrosive abilities) and therefore is an electrolyte, I'd be
concerned about galvanic reactions during the "citrous" period. IF M-B has
truly endorsed this procedure, I'd assume that they've prescribed a specific
safe time for each stage, etc.

On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 11:15 PM, Brett Dikeman <brett.dikeman at gmail.com>wrote:

> On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 5:08 PM, RI <chewy4000 at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Is there a way to completely flush out the brown out of the system?
> > I changed the resevoir but some mud came back up.
> Do what the Mercedes guys swear by:
> -Buy a big bottle of Shout (or whatever low-suds detergent you can
> find- stain treaters are low-suds.)
> -Dump it in, add water, run up to temperature, let it sit for a few
> minutes, drain.  This gets rid of the grease/oil buildup.
> -Flush it COMPLETELY out.
> -Add citric to the system (can be purchased at a MB dealer, or
> possibly some commercial kitchen/restaurant supply stores) with
> distilled water.  This gets rid of (I think, Bob can tell you for
> sure) the coating that you get from the "green stuff", and any
> corrosion.
> -Run up to temperature
> -Flush completely
> -Fill with real Audi/Pentosin coolant (any color is OK) and distilled
> water.
> Since Shout and citric acid do not contain anything to lubricate the
> water pump, don't go for a long country drive with either in the
> system or leave the stuff in for hours.
> This is actually a MB-recommended procedure as part of every coolant
> change...
> Brett
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