[s-cars] 16" Avus wheels and ECS Stage 3

Brian Armstead barmstea at voanews.com
Wed Sep 16 10:32:15 PDT 2009


The other side of the equation is cost.  The 034 kit is affordable, but 
some of the Big Red kits have pretty hefty prices.  I don't track my 
car, and I am more than pleased over the braking improvement.  And it's 
more than just a firmer pedal.

93 S4 with 034

Taka Mizutani wrote:
> Steve-
> I don't know- the greater brake torque of the larger rotor would help. I
> have not researched this stuff any further than circa 2002 or 2003 because I
> have not had my 200 since late 2004.
> I think that larger rear rotors is a waste of money- they don't do that much
> of the braking as it is.
> When you say stock caliper, I take that to mean a 993tt caliper with a
> larger rotor (larger than the 322mm stock rotors, right?).
> Do you really need that much larger of a brake rotor? I would look at
> improving traction before doing that unless you're fading Big Reds with race
> pads and fluid.
> Taka
> On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 9:05 AM, Steve Marinello <smarinello at entouch.net>wrote:
>> Taka,
>> I would tend to agree.  Noticeable difference between the 993tt set up on
>> the avant and the only Boxster set up I drove a number of years ago.
>> What do you think of the Stasis brake kits that use revised brackets and
>> stock calipers to allow larger rotors?  They have them for front and back.
>> A greater radius yields an increase in braking power, even with stock
>> caliper and pad size, but somewhat greater swept area.
>> Steve
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com
>> [mailto:s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf Of Taka Mizutani
>> Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2009 7:05 AM
>> To: LL - NY
>> Cc: J3; s-car-list at audifans.com
>> Subject: Re: [s-cars] 16" Avus wheels and ECS Stage 3
>> You guys are making way too much hay about this- do a stud conversion and
>> get some 5mm hubcentric spacers from H&R- problem solved.
>> Getting a Boxster caliper and appropriately sized rotor is not going to
>> improve your braking significantly, if at all- the pedal feel will improve
>> over a sliding caliper brake setup, but your stopping power is going to be
>> significantly less. I've driven UrS cars with the Boxster setup- not
>> impressive at all. My 200q with 320mm rotors and 996 calipers was much,
>> much
>> better, as are the 993tt setups that I've driven on an UrS.
>> Taka
>> On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 11:28 PM, LL - NY <larrycleung at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I have the ECS Stage 3 kit and the winter set up is on the 6 spoke Avus'.
>>> There is no need for H+R spacers, as axial clearance isn't that tight. *
>>> Radial* clearance at the beveled ends of the calipers IS credit card
>>> thickness tight, however. IF gravel or anything got caught between the
>>> wheel
>>> and caliper it won't be pretty. If you must winter, the slightly smaller
>>> diameter A8 rotor (several Stage II kits use 'em) might provide the extra
>>> peace of mind. I haven't tried the Stage 2 kits, but I'd venture a guess
>> in
>>> street driving there'd be little appreciable difference in performance
>> with
>>> ANY gain in caliper clearance being worth the trade-off.
>>> Just my $0.02
>>> LL - NY
>>> On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 5:50 AM, J3 <jay003 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I am considering purchasing the ECS Stage 3 brake kit for my 95.5 S6.
>> My
>>>> stock set up is ready for new rotors and pads so I wanted to get some
>>>> better
>>>> braking.
>>>> My snows are the stock 16" Avus 6 spoke wheels. Will I have any
>> problems
>>>> mounting this kit with the stock 16" wheels? I searched the archives
>> and
>>> it
>>>> seems that they will fit as long as the weights are the clip on kind.
>>>> Any things else I should know or consider?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Jay Desmarais
>>>> 1995.5 S6
>>>> Burlington, VT
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