[s-cars] UrS4 shocks

LL - NY larrycleung at gmail.com
Wed Apr 7 14:53:57 PDT 2010

My Eibachs lowered the car a mere 20 mm, the previous H+R's I had on my 200Q
did about the same. That being said, I'd say the Eibach/UrS combo (stiffer
chassis) works better than the 200/H+R (which are stiffer than Eibach, and
are actually still available for the UrS, unlike the Eibach) combo. Just
posting the options of stiffer springs that don't lower the car to the floor
(like Spax do).

On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 3:17 PM, Duncan Thomson <thomson.duncan at gmail.com>wrote:

> I have Konis on my CQ, and my Porsche 944, and have had no complaints
> (other than the CQ ones are now leaking), but they're looking a little
> pricey for me at the moment. Hoping the Bilsteins come back cheaper.
> Fully agree on your lowering views. That said, if someone wants to, then
> all power to them. But I would love to know why I can't source stiffer
> springs, with stock ride height. They all seem to be lowered through the
> floor... grrr!
> Duncan
> --
> On 8/04/2010 3:00 a.m., JC wrote:
> > Yeah this obsession with "if your car doesn't scrape on every pebble it
> > means your car is 'Rancho' and you have a tiny wee-wee" irritates the
> hell
> > outa me. Most of those no-travel-left pavement draggers would struggle on
> > any track with notable undulations, but hey let their owners think
> > otherwise... if you dare question
> > rock-hard-road-scraping-springsets-with-19"-wheels you usually just get
> an
> > earful of ignorance about how everybody knows racers have the lowest cars
> > and the hardest springs and the tiniest sidewalls so you are so totally
> > stupid and umm now I have to go buy new half-shafts/CV-joints again but
> like
> > so shut up man. Not to mention the practicality of real world roads and
> > driving, which is what drove my friend out of his '92 S4 after constantly
> > having to replace bushings from beating up on his dirt road.
> Unfortunately
> > at the time we didn't know enough to swap him into later softy OEM
> springs
> > (aka "Rancho pussy springs" for the ricers out there) and let have
> somebody
> > in perfect-pavement-world enjoy his sport springs. </rant>
> >
> > Anyways, another datapoint, I gots Bilsteins from the PO on the Avant
> (means
> > they must be HD's I assume). Seem totally fine. When I was doing shocks
> for
> > the wife's old Jeepus last year, the Bilsteins were a good value and
> > completely changed the character of the ride/drive. Perhaps Konis would
> have
> > been better but the price was outlandishly more and the B's were
> > comparatively a bargain and we loved the result for short money...
> >
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