[s-cars] Car cover Q's

dgraber460 at aol.com dgraber460 at aol.com
Wed Dec 15 14:53:53 PST 2010

What is conventional wisdom on cleaning covers that have gotten dirty?
Too big for home washing machine, so if taken to commercial size laundromat, can they be dried with out becoming a Smart Car cover?


-----Original Message-----
From: Taka Mizutani <t44tqtro at gmail.com>
To: ron kirkham <rkaudifool at gmail.com>
Cc: s-car-list <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Tue, Dec 14, 2010 5:25 pm
Subject: Re: [s-cars] Car cover Q's

've had several car covers over the years and if you're looking for the
est value, I'd say get a Covercraft Dustop- it's heavy enough that you can
esist some light contact, keeps the dust off the car very well and it's not
uper expensive.
Lightweight is going to get expensive- I have a Covercraft stretch cover on
he Corvette that is a lycra blend outer with a microfiber inner surface,
ery lightweight, very easy to handle, very soft, but very expensive (I
hink I got it at a significant discount at something like $350).
I've seen the outdoors version of my cover- looks like it's made of a
tretch Gore-Tex like material- that's awesome, but again, something like
350 and keeps snow, rain, etc. off the car as well as dirt and can be used
If you think you might need something to keep moisture off the car, I'd say
et a Noah cover- it's an outdoor cover, but again, thick and heavy to help
revent dings and does an okay job of keeping dust off the car and it's
heap, like $150.

n Tue, Dec 14, 2010 at 1:26 PM, ron kirkham <rkaudifool at gmail.com> wrote:
> All,

 My garaged for the winter 95.5 S6A could really benefit by use of a cover.
 I guess I should say "dust cover" as I probably would never use said cover
 outside in the snow/rain etc.  The other bay of the garage is used by the
 daily driven wifes VolvoXC, so snow/road dirt/moisture etc. is always

 Anybody have any recomendations or experience?  I'm hoping because it will
 not be used outside, I can get away with something affordable and
 lightweight?  I've done some surfing and found some, but would love to hear
 any BTDT before I buy.

 95.5 S6A garaged until spring (April)
 93 S4 daily winter/summer beater
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