[s-cars] On DC Craigslist

racingiron at comcast.net racingiron at comcast.net
Tue Jan 5 16:25:36 PST 2010

ringrmeester wrote: 
> The seller writes so eloquently... 
> "please no low balling, this car is cared for and had 5000 dollars 
> of preventative maintains done to it alone, it is worth well more 
> than the asking price ..." 
> That's it boys... How could one resist? What with the $5000 in 
> "prevenTAtive maintains" done already. 

Being married to one who holds a PhD in English, I've become accustomed to watching my spelling and grammar. However, and I know we've had this discussion before, "preventative" is actually an acceptable "preventive" variant. Kinda like flammable/inflammable. The "maintains" still stands, though. If that's the worst infraction, it's not even in the same league with the typical CL ad copy we get down here in good ol' TN... 

Eric R. 
'86 urq 
'92 urS 
'93 urS 

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