[s-cars] Vag Slush

brian hoeft qweblog at gmail.com
Thu Jan 7 22:59:46 PST 2010

if i sound surly, well, its late & i cant sleep.   maybe for your benefit..

dude, suck it up and borrow the RL!
it will be comfortable,reliable and if you really have that much of a hard
on for steady speeding you probably have a friend that'll let you get a fix
with his/her car.

with all that money you save you'll have plenty of leftover cash to spend on
stuff to heal your body -much more important than worrying about what youre
going to drive- with plants grown of creation and maybe avoid unnecessary

if someone would have told me about
this<http://drchristophersherbshop.com/Complete_Tissue.html>when i got
banged up in an accident years ago, not only would i believe them
to be a blessing, but i certainly would have avoided (at least some)
surgeries and be in less pain throughout recovery.

i buy the 1lb powdered bulk bag & make my own poultices & pills.

i dont expect you to take my advice, but if you do, and eat/apply
*enough*(lots), you will benefit yourself immensely.


On Thu, Jan 7, 2010 at 10:54 AM, bill mahoney <airbil at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hmmm... rental had crossed my mind... but/and in the meantime, I was
> reminded that the mo in laws '06 (I think it is.. old body style) RL acura
> is available whilst they are in Hilton Head the next four mos. (cheapest
> option.)
> But I must ask myself,... "After driving the gofast pig, RS2dalu, fastest,
> most powerful supercar ever conceived, do I really want lumber to and fro
> in
> my blues bros. disguise driving a beige colored boat?  Do ya punk?"
> My half conceived (per usual) plan is to see if I can steal a low mileage
> R32 from some desperate soul.
> For some reason they are mostly 20k miles + it seems and the lower mileage
> ones push the $30k mark.
> I usually inform the wife of such shenanigans expofacto to avoid
> confrontation and veto's, etc. and so forth:)
> Bill~waiting for der dolch~M
> On Thu, Jan 7, 2010 at 8:39 AM, David Kase <dbkase at gmail.com> wrote:
> > So?  What's the verdict Billy Boy?
> >
> > The thought occurred to me that the suggestion of renting a car is quite
> a
> > good option.  The TAX you would pay on another car may cover the cost of
> the
> > rental.
> >
> > Kase
> >
> >
> >
> >>
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[blinders off&earplugs out]

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