[s-cars] Platform designation use

Cody Forbes cody at 5000tq.com
Sat Jan 9 12:51:38 PST 2010

(sorry for the subject change, I deleted the original message after  
replying then realised i forgot to cc the list)

Well in 99% of cases the use of the platform designation is just to  
say "hey, look at me I'm special and know cool stuff". In the OP case  
though it was usefull to specify B6 because in his particular model  
year you could have a B6 or a B7 as they made the change in '05.5.

Why do most here call thier car an urS4 instead of a '94 S4? Same  
logic applies.

Another way of looking at it though, it is good for the archives to  
use platform codes. If you are looking for a problem solution and  
search for "'04 S4" you won't find the post about the '03 that is  
related. If both users referenced B6 then voilà posts are found. I  
typically search for "t44" so it spans 5000's, 100's and 200's.

-Cody (mobile)

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