[s-cars] Light throttle slit-second hiccup

Varon H. Fugman vfugman at globaldialog.com
Wed Jan 13 17:02:47 PST 2010


Do you ever get a check engine light in conjunction with your engine

I've got a gremlin that causes a split-second shutdown as if the key was
turned off.  Usually but not always I get a blink of the check engine light.
I replaced the flywheel RPM sensor (had a code for that) and the CPS
(finally got a code for that) last year which seemed to fix it for a few
months, but the problem is back.

Sometimes reving over 4,000 RPM seems to trigger it, but it can happen
without warning at a stead 65mph.

Not sure whether it might be the CPS again or perhaps a bad connection
somewhere between one of the sensors and ECU.  I suppose I should check for
corroded ground connections.

'95 urS6

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