[s-cars] timing belt service issues

manuelsanchez at starpower.net manuelsanchez at starpower.net
Wed Jan 20 11:12:42 PST 2010

I was afraid this was going to happen again, my car was listening to this thread and decided to copy the problem.

My mechanic has just called me to inform me that the Radiator Fan Clutch bearing which is mounted on that infamous bracket that requires removal of all those bits is also bad on my S6.

He is saying the dealer part is $500 bucks. He doesn't have a used S4 with the older system that would allow rebuilding of the bearing. Anyone have a better source for the new fan clutch bearing:

046 903 141 D

or anyone havean extra, old S4 style version of the rebuildable bearing design they want to unload?

I apparently also have a leak from the power steering pump as well.



PS The good news he gave me was that my headgasket was not leaking!

>Message: 1
>Date: Tue, 19 Jan 2010 06:51:16 -0500
>From: "JC" <jc at j2c3.com>
>Subject: Re: [s-cars] timing belt service issues
>To: "'Steve Mills'" <s.b.mills at gmail.com>,	"'Steve Marinello'"
>	<smarinello at entouch.net>
>Cc: s-car-list at audifans.com
>Message-ID: <1F80EF74CE6D438794C6984751210C36 at VibroSonic>
>This sounds like key info from Steve and perhaps way to go (aka replace with
>the earlier serviceable model from the junkyahd).
>BTW, mine was going out and causing rattley noise on fan activation (when AC
>on mainly so when fan in Hi mode) just had it done last year but by a pro
>mech expert in things Audi and S so can't speak to the procedure... He was
>concerned it would let loose and toss the fan through the radiator and
>otherwise cause havoc on the front of the motor - not sure if that's known
>to happen too often but it was still obviously going bad...
>> There are 2 different variants of the bracket and idler
>> pulley setup- early ones (no idea of VIN break/date) are
>> serviceable, and later ones aren't, or at least not as
>> easily. The currently available part is the non-serviceable
>> version. Some people have sourced early, serviceable units
>> from parted S4s and rebuilt them.
>> Steve

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