[s-cars] Racing jack

LL - NY larrycleung at gmail.com
Mon Jul 19 07:54:03 PDT 2010

Having PM'd Lee earlier, the only thing I can add is that the HF jack may
not be able to go low enough for some really low slung sports cars (b/c any
Audi lowered that far has so screwed up it's suspension geometry that a jack
would be the least of one's issues).


On Sun, Jul 18, 2010 at 8:34 PM, Lee Levitt <lee at wheelman.com> wrote:

> Does anyone have a recommendation for a lightweight racing jack,
> perhaps something one step above the Harbor Freight ones?
> I'm looking at the OTC 1532 at $225. Anyone have experience with
> these? Anything else to consider...
> I'm tired of lugging my 85 lb Sears floor jack to autocross events!
> Thanks!
> Lee
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