[s-cars] guilty, not guilty?

bill mahoney airbil at gmail.com
Thu Jul 22 14:30:05 PDT 2010

Scott et. al.,
Rolling, schmolling.  I learned this fine technique in the great state of CA
a long, long time ago.  They, in fact, were probably the first to come up
with this right on red thing and thus the name "California Stop."  Thank you
Funny how if I watch this video enough times, I can visualize the car to
come to a stop:)  If I could only mind control the judge to see it the same
At any rate, the street from the left was not even a street but entrance to
a small shopping mall from where usually about three cars will exit at a
time and my cursory "coast" was enough to see the coast was clear.
Henceforth I will at least re edumicate myself to stop and go.... and begin
my search for some kinda plate blocker defense technology.
As I read up, I believe this is like a parking ticket / aka revenue
generator and who was driving is not relevant... so they say.
I noted how the camera is aimed only at the right lane as they know that
that's where the revenue will come from and yikes, at $100 a crack they
gotta $5000 a day with the same crime.  If they really wanted people to
stop, they would put a sign on the camera post saying red light camera ahead
or something.  Nope.  This is grand theft, right on red.  They just want the
money honey.
Bill~lovin' the robber barons~M

Ps Scotty,  Will you be beaming out to sfest ?

On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 3:34 PM, <qshipq at aol.com> wrote:

>  Mr Bill
> The right turn camera's use either radar or sensors to detect speed of the
> right turn ('on red')...  See the sensor type here
> http://www.dailyherald.com/story/?id=306391
> The amount of 'roll' can be adjusted from a complete stop to double digit
> MPH.  The law states complete stop.  Your video defines a rolling stop
> IMestimation.  You can ck the dailyherald on which suburbs are doing what
> with the right turn on red issues.  I suspect until banned, even if you took
> that to court, that video reviewed by a judge would clearly indicate a
> complete stop was not made.
> My daughter got caught rolling 2 stops in Chicagoland with these cameras.
> 200cash disappears from the wallet, with nothing but a crappy video...
> Cheers
> Scott J
>  -----Original Message-----
> From: chris chambers <fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com>
> To: bill mahoney <airbil at gmail.com>; s-car-list at audifans.com
> Sent: Thu, Jul 22, 2010 11:06 am
> Subject: Re: [s-cars] guilty, not guilty?
>  Bill,
> I can't see the light to tell where it's at, assuming they have another way of
> knowing.
> Otherwise I guess it depends on what "the man's" definition of stop is.
> Personally I think Serge was behind the wheel.
> Can they really hold you responsible because you are the owner if they can't
> prove who was driving?
> I despise traffic cams .... glad they aren't here in kazoo land.
> Chris
> ________________________________
> From: bill mahoney <airbil at gmail.com>
> To: s-car-list at audifans.com
> Sent: Thu, July 22, 2010 11:03:33 AM
> Subject: [s-cars] guilty, not guilty?
> Moral issues aside, here's a the "mans" video of me in the D2 alleged to
> have run a red to the tune of a hondo US fiat bucks.
> Very bizzare feeling to think back to a crime committed two weeks back when
> I can't remember 10 minutes ago.
> I'll play it out and claim I stopped, but they can't even say who was
> driving.
> Whatcha all say?
> http://flic.kr/p/8kDLsT
> Bill~glad they don't ask for payment in gold~M
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