[s-cars] Pius... I declare - SHENANIGANS

pkrasusky at ups.com pkrasusky at ups.com
Thu Mar 11 08:35:23 PST 2010

ROFLMAO @ your manifesto!  As I've mentioned before - please keep up the good posting work, love the laughs.  I fear there are now 2 nearly unintelligible / incoherent ranters on ze List - love it.


-----Original Message-----
From: JC [mailto:jc at j2c3.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2010 4:41 AM
To: 93urs4 at rovershack.com; s-car-list at audifans.com; Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK)
Subject: RE: [s-cars] Pius... I declare - SHENANIGANS

Yeah I think it's a screamingly bad mojo convergence clusterfarq of reetahded drivers PLUS major electronic brain problems.

something is obviously wrong in Toyotas electronic brain department..  There are other stories of the Prius brakes not coming on, because the brake pedal isn't hard-locked to the brakes since the brain is supposed to do decelleration recharging first and then kick in the physical brakes and so therefore if the brake-brain farts they might not work.  (If a brain farts in the woods and there is no-one to hear it then yes it crashes into a tree).  Hmmm... note to automakers, maybe brake brains = bad idea.

At same time, yeah, dopes.  Most of these folks in runaway sitch I suspect tenderly depressed the brakes harder and harder hence heating them into full on racetrackbrakefade mode so eventually yes they were being accurate when they told coppers 'the brakes wouldn't stop it!'.

<rant> I noticed just this tendency the other day when I was almost ass-boned by some fine dickhead on a highspeed ramp.  during a normal and unremarkable heavy traffic sudden-brake-jam moment, everybody around me was reasonably cool and on top of it but then I looked in the rear-view window to see yet another asshat barrelling down on me while he tentatively poked his pinkie toe at the brake pedal. for sumfin like the 5th time in a year the only reason he didn't mash me was I swerved off into the median while his beady little pig eyes widened to saucers and his fat little pig fingers were deathlocked on the wheel. In every one of these aforementioned cases:
Never OCCURS to idiot to swerve and split lanes or onto median areas, Just MF'in Deathgrip-2000 on the wheel steady-as-she-goes straight at me frozen in fear.  I have to see the inevitable playing out IN MY MIRROR and clear runway for him and end up with him parked next to me in a pool of his own poo and flopsweat. enjoy your poopypants moron.
2. It is VERY clear they are not pounding the brakes to the floor and that your average driver doesn't know how hard his car can stop. He pokes the stoppenzie pedal hard enough so it FEELS like emergency stopping to him "WOW I NEVER PUSH THE PEDAL THAT FAR!!! OOOOHHHHSHIIIIITTTTTT" but never floors it and the genuinely useful ABS goes freakin unused... In fact I've heard people freaking out feeling the ABS clicking on the brakes and say "it went away when I took my foot off thankfully!" so there you go.

Now had my dillweed buddy from the other day had a runaway-Toyo with open road, no doubt he'd have heated up and faded his braking capability by gently increasing pressure on the brake pedal until the rotors were red and fluid was boiling. And again - he'd be right if he said to the police "pedal was on floor but din't doo nuffin officer. what's that? the smell? yeah that's my pants."

Lastly re: turning car off and neutral etc. - a bunch of these Toyos are pushbutton start - maybe I'm wrong but I dunthin maybe you can turn 'em off or shift them when they are moving?  something about safety feature so a charming precious little bundle of diaper joy can't poke the off button in highspeed traffic and cause a disaster... more electronic-brain-interlock-logic type deals...

> -----Original Message-----
> From: s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com
> [mailto:s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf Of 
> 93urs4 at rovershack.com
> Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2010 3:53 AM
> To: s-car-list at audifans.com
> Subject: Re: [s-cars] Pius... I declare - SHENANIGANS
> These Prius owners are real brainiacs... of course, the story is out 
> of The Peoples Republic of California.
> How hard would it be to shift to neutral, pull to the side of the road 
> and turn off the car?
> He had 8 minutes to figure it out.
> James

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