[s-cars] summer tires
Ian Duff
iduff at comcast.net
Wed Mar 17 08:12:47 PDT 2010
Garage got broken into while I was out for 45 minutes picking up kids from school, they got about $11K worth of stuff, including summer sets of tires for my car and for my wife's car. Plus snowblower, outboard, two bikes, all my mechanics tools (carpentry and boatbuilding tools are safe in the basement), all my 18v cordless DeWalt stuff, leafblower, weed whacker, pressure washer, etc, etc, etc. Took the bastiges two tries to get in. Deadbolt on the people door is keyed from both sides. Nice try, thank you for playing. The windows are glass block, except for 12" square operable ventilation panes, which one of the weasels managed to squeeze thru and open the big door. Let me assure you, the alarm now gets set when I go outside to mow the lawn, and the operable vent windows are getting replaced with more glass blocks.
Fortunately I have replacement value homeowners, and the insurance company, while incredibly slow so far, has agreed that the value I declared is realistic. I get a check for the depreciated value, less my deductible, and just have to submit receipts to recover the depreciation. It's an exercise in frustration, replacing everything, but the only cash I'm out seems to be my deductible. MAC, the summers for me will be Sumi HTR ZIII again, and the Contis my wife had will get replaced with the same Sumis I'm getting.
They musta been watching us, as the house with the dog was left alone, and I was only gone for about 45 minutes, as I work from home. Paranoid? Not me, I KNOW I'm being watched. How? The voices tell me...
On 17 Mar, 2010, at 09:02, <pkrasusky at ups.com> <pkrasusky at ups.com> wrote:
> Phil queried and Ian got gank'd:
> <<<Date: Tue, 16 Mar 2010 18:01:35 -0400
> From: Ian Duff <iduff at comcast.net>
> Subject: Re: [s-cars] summer tires
> To: pmische at comcast.net
> I was happy with the set of Sumitomo HTR ZIII that just got stolen from me. Likely to replace with the same.
> -Ian Duff.
> On 16 Mar, 2010, at 16:43, pmische wrote:
>> Okay, this should generate some buzz. Time to buy new shoes - opinions?
>> PJM>>>
> D'oh Ian - WTF?
> Phil- too open a Q: what'r your parameters (price / priorities / usage)?
> I just got these SumiHIII's a coupla k ago - lovelove the grip, turn in, stiffness, relative quietness, and PRICE. Wear? Yet to be determined. Has a huge wear rating IIRC tho, tho the apparently infinite grip of my 265s will have thru them most expeditiously and expediently, rather quite assuredly.
> Price notwithstanding? Taka's 2 suggestions are gems, and PS2s are otherworldly (aka notmyworldly d'oh)...
> YMC/WV butofcourse and hope yer swell
> -Paul
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