[s-cars] summer tires

pkrasusky at ups.com pkrasusky at ups.com
Wed Mar 17 06:02:42 PDT 2010

Phil queried and Ian got gank'd:

<<<Date: Tue, 16 Mar 2010 18:01:35 -0400

From: Ian Duff <iduff at comcast.net>

Subject: Re: [s-cars] summer tires

To: pmische at comcast.net

I was happy with the set of Sumitomo HTR ZIII that just got stolen from me. Likely to replace with the same.

-Ian Duff.

On 16 Mar, 2010, at 16:43, pmische wrote:

> Okay, this should generate some buzz. Time to buy new shoes - opinions?

> PJM>>>

D'oh Ian - WTF?

Phil- too open a Q:  what'r your parameters (price / priorities / usage)?

I just got these SumiHIII's a coupla k ago - lovelove the grip, turn in, stiffness, relative quietness, and PRICE.  Wear?  Yet to be determined.  Has a huge wear rating IIRC tho, tho the apparently infinite grip of my 265s will have thru them most expeditiously and expediently, rather quite assuredly.

Price notwithstanding?  Taka's 2 suggestions are gems, and PS2s are otherworldly (aka notmyworldly d'oh)...

YMC/WV butofcourse and hope yer swell


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