[s-cars] S6 avant hatch lock

Mark Strangways strangconst at rogers.com
Wed Mar 31 19:42:06 PDT 2010

Always found VW Audi locks very easy to re-key.
The dealer should have the little bronze things if the ones that are in the existing don't work.
On 2010-03-31, at 10:26 PM, Steve Marinello wrote:

> Not a good day for S6's.someone tried to break in to the avant when the kid
> was somewhere.  The lock seems depressed in somewhere and the key won't go
> anywhere, so it will obviously have to be replaced; $140+ at
> genuineaudiparts.com.  Then it would have to be rekeyed, or do they key it
> based on the VIN when ordered through a dealer?  Maybe worth giving Chris a
> call and rekeying an old one?
> Any BTDT on these things?  Are they usually toast by now anyway?  Is new the
> best course?
> TIA,
> Steve
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