[s-cars] Speaking of Tail

mtgadbois at aol.com mtgadbois at aol.com
Wed Mar 31 19:51:04 PDT 2010


It just so happens that I too got tired of lifting a heavy 

trunk lid, although mine is on a sedan.  I ordered my struts 

from AutohausAZ.  $75 including shipping.  They work just great.  The blue 

lettering on them makes me think they were made by the oem supplier.

Mark near Chicago

95.5 S6


Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2010 13:21:53 -0400

From: Abe Berman <yellowcuda at gmail.com>

Subject: Re: [s-cars] S-CAR-List Digest, Vol 77, Issue 67

To: s-car-list at audifans.com


    <a8137d141003301021v43658767l48ae427bac3fe020 at mail.gmail.com>

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I ordered a set of these in the fall from same seller.  So far, they work,

but don't provide incredibly strong lifting power.  Better than the 15 year

old originals though.


Message: 2

Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2010 16:10:27 -0500

From: bill mahoney <airbil at gmail.com>

Subject: [s-cars] Speaking of Tail

To: s-car-list at audifans.com


       <e7bed7ac1003291410v26c09c57y469590a9f53d8ebb at mail.gmail.com>

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1


Since my tailgate struts work but are weak, I got some from Latvia for about

$48 delivered.


IIRC I offered him $23 and he accepted that... +$25 shipping.

Pic here


Do they / will they work?  Dunno, but from Latvia of Italian sounding

manufacturer, they must be good.

I think oem type leggitt ones are about $100?

I also think Matt Russell may be using a set of these?

Bill~up n down~M



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