[s-cars] WTB: Steelies or other cheap wheels with or without snow tires (Denver)

Dusten Tornow Dusten.Tornow at cdw.com
Thu Nov 11 14:59:53 PST 2010

Folks -

The 17" Rondell Type 69s that came with my car in a beautiful white powder-coated finish (gag!) didn't take kindly to a rattle can re-spray.  They looked great until my first trip up i70 (this morning).  I was planning on mounting snow tires on those rims, but given the paint failure, and my lack of time to re-paint them, I think I'm going to look at other options.

So...looking for a set of wheels for my '95 S6 for this winter.  Added bonus if they already have snow tires mounted on them, but I'm ok with getting new ones too.  I'm in Denver.

Please contact me if you have some wheels you'd like to part with, or if you are interested in buying some Rondel Type 69s with chipping paint.  Picture of wheels, before and after:  http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs927.snc4/74071_474851328632_667098632_5432917_4280561_n.jpg

'95 S6 - slowly getting up to par

Dusten Tornow
Product Manager
Managed Unified Communications
CDW Managed Services
Phone: 608-298-1347
NOC: 608-298-1102
NOC Email: hmshelp at cdw.com<mailto:hmshelp at cdw.com>

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