[s-cars] UrS as a Purpose Built Track Car?

rcaro900ss at aol.com rcaro900ss at aol.com
Tue Nov 16 15:15:57 PST 2010


I agree with you. I have been running a 95.5 S6 at the track for 10 years. It has morphed into a strictly 
DE/Track car. It weighs in at 3515 lbs with a half cage & full front interior, air, radio, etc. Plenty of lbs
can still come out. Brake pads last approximately a season & the Nittos are going into their 2nd season.
The car set up is very forgiving & a ton of fun.  I still am able to have it plated & therefore can do my test
& tune on the street, instead of the track. I am also able to drive to & from the track, although it is rather
loud on the inside without a helmet :)


-----Original Message-----
From: qshipq <qshipq at aol.com>
To: s-car-list <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Tue, Nov 16, 2010 1:47 pm
Subject: Re: [s-cars] UrS as a Purpose Built Track Car?

In my 30 years of competitive motorsports, I've had the great opportunity to 
rive a wide variety of performance machines, on and off the track, Auto-x, 
allycross, ProRally, and circuit racing.  Plenty of great rides experienced 
uring that time, including flogging a spec miata.  Fun yup, but I don't fit 
ell in them.  I never got the impression that Calvin was looking to get into 
racing' or competition, only to build a track car out of an already owned S4.  
orth it?  Absolutely!  It needs a diet and brakes, then the rest is whatever 
ou want to invest, up to major fundage.  Parts are cheap, the transmissions 
ulletproof, the engine bulletproof, and the handling potential is really good.  
 enjoy 'listening' to those much wiser than I, try to convince me that what 
've built, driven and experienced, just can't be real.  IME, there is just no 
uestion that a Quattro on a budget, can be a fantastic and rewarding drive at 
he track.  This includes the type 85, the type 44/D2
/C4 chassis cars.  And having driven both the B5 and the C4 in full track 
egalia, the C4 is easier to drive fast, is less twitchy at the limit, and can 
ive the B5 a major run for the stopwatch.

 have a personal affinity for Italian supercars, never really got into the 
cars.  I've driven many p-cars from a stock 951 to a tweeked 993, and they are 
un and great rides, just no for me.  And I know that armed with FIA 
pecifications and documentations on the type 44 cars, it's pretty straight 
orward and cheap to build a very fast track car, without changing the front 
uspension *hardware*.  The type 44 I built flies under the "CAM" racing banner 
that's Cheap *ss Motorsports), and has lived to that ascription quite well over 
he years.  And will give nothing to any of the front-pack runners at any track 
vent, backing up over 10 years.
Me, I'd rather see more keyboard opinionators be AT the track, than talk about 
hat 'should' go there.  And to Calvin, you absolutely can and should build the 
4 to a track rat, you will have a blast.  And you won't need to spend a fortune 
o make it quick.  They are simple to fix, easy to modify, and a unique and fast 
ide...  Or, you can sell it for peanuts, learn how to work on a miata, and ask 
ourself why you just didn't take the quattro advantage to the next logical 
Carry on, it's a quattro

cott J

-----Original Message-----
rom: Taka Mizutani <t44tqtro at gmail.com>
o: s-car-list at audifans.com
ent: Tue, Nov 16, 2010 11:55 am
ubject: Re: [s-cars] UrS as a Purpose Built Track Car?

his was basically my point without saying it- a car like a Miata is much,
much cheaper to run at the track and if you ball it up, it doesn't cost that
much to get another one and start over again. A type 44 is going to require
a good amount of work to make it into a track car, then if you ball it up,
you have to do that much more work when you start over again.

For the most part, everyone that does a lot of track time gravitates toward
the same cars for the same reasons- easy parts availability, low replacement
cost, huge aftermarket, good speed-to-cost ratio, etc. That's why everyone
is running a Miata, E30 BMW, GT3, etc.

If I start going to the track regularly, the BMW will probably get sold and
I'll have to get another Miata or I'll look for a Spec E30/944.


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