[s-cars] GP Fest

pkrasusky at ups.com pkrasusky at ups.com
Thu Sep 2 12:40:25 PDT 2010

Wow V-

Well said - thanks!  And LOL @ yer hitchhike thoughts!

Looking forward to plan formulation, we'll see if I can finagle when time comes.  Like Posto said, heretofore the "freight" has always made GP Montreal out of reach - this may solve 'that'.


ps.  Frankenstaudi - HA!

From: Vincent [mailto:s.sikss at gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 01, 2010 11:17 PM
To: Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK)
Cc: s-car-list at audifans.com
Subject: RE: GP Fest

Hi P-

Yeap. Three years S-Festless was definitely too long. And I'm amazed each time how that casual BBQ you once had is becoming bigger and crazier every year while still being as fun as a casual BBQ with friends. I just hope I'm not giving birth to a future monster like yours.

As for getting up there, I think you'll just have to raise your thumb on the side of the road and an urS/urQ/S8/RSQuattrosumthin' or some frankenstaudi passing by will probably stop. So, no excuse, time to let your tent see some northern latitude.

Vincent suddenly worried of what he may have started F

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