[s-cars] S-CAR-List Digest, Vol 83, Issue 6

kbogach at comcast.net kbogach at comcast.net
Thu Sep 2 19:08:56 PDT 2010

Peter, I don't remember exactly the spot I drilled, and my car is in paint shop, but the place I mounted ballasts are behind the bumper, on top of the frame rails (forgive me if it is not right term). I strapped ballast with rubber tie-downs and used foamy material as cushion. I am sure this is not the best place as it is hard to get to but I could not find any better. Maybe elaborate brackets would help to keep it accessible. From other hand, I did not need to get to them ever since I installed them 1.5 years ago. 


From: Peter Schulz <pcschulz at comcast.net> 
Subject: [s-cars] HID installation tips? 


My 11 year old son won a 9006 HID kit at S-Fest, and I would like to install it on my 95.5 Avant as soon as he and I can negotiate a price ;-) 

Any tips on the install, including where to drill the hole into the headlight housing, mounting the ballasts, and dealing with the headlight out warning? 


-Peter Schulz 

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