[s-cars] {s-cars] Brake fluid on drivers feet

P. Dooley weski at verizon.net
Sat Sep 11 08:28:07 PDT 2010

  More information - so I looked at my FA and see item #12 on 
illustration #721-25 a master cylinder.  This is what is dripping (or 
has fluid dripping from above it onto this and then into my plastic 
carpet saver).

On 9/11/2010 11:16 AM, P. Dooley wrote:
>  Guys,
> Guess I did use a few terms incorrectly so thanks for the clarifications.
> Pentosin - I understand now.  The only fluid with that label/brand 
> that I've had in my garage was brake fluid - the yellow stuff - glad I 
> had some to use before air got into the system but I guess it's the 
> worst stuff to have leak into the carpet.  Fortunately, the mat took 
> the brunt of it and barely any residue on the carpet - already 
> shampooed, scrubbed, and dried but the mat if most likely junk or just 
> right for winter driving.
> I always thought that brake master cylinder was under the hood 
> directly under the brake fluid reservoir.  After reading this thread, 
> my problem appears to be the only cylinder/pump in the foot-well area 
> - the clutch "master" which has brake fluid in it not hydraulic fluid 
> as pointed out.
> I pulled codes - none relating to brake system - only injector #1 
> intermittent and speed sensor errors.  I added fluid and brake light 
> went out.  Pulled car into garage to get my backup vehicle into use.  
> Put plastic on the carpet and watched the fluid drip-drip-drip.
> Don't know what I can do about running out of fluid while I travel and 
> it sits in my garage.  Any thoughts?
> Thanks for the help as usual
> Paul
> 95 S6
> 198,500 miles and temporarily out of commission
> On 9/10/2010 11:15 PM, John Cody Forbes wrote:
>> So not as peaceful as my version, but yeah.. What he said ;-)
>> -Cody (mobile)
>> On Sep 10, 2010, at 11:04 PM, Tom Green<trgreen at comcast.net>  wrote:

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