[s-cars] introduction and some beginner questions

P. Dooley weski at verizon.net
Tue Sep 28 18:24:02 PDT 2010

  Dusten - Welcome to the slippery slope that is the //S-Car.

2. Best place is as Taka recommended - ETKA - Family Album.  If you get 
into the archive searches, you will find a couple places one might find 
an alleged version of this supposed software but I won't know where that 
would be myself.  If I were searching I'd look back to Sunday March 29, 
2009 and you might find information that tells you about a supposed site 
called ftp:// chips-ur-s .com (without spaces of course) and a folder 
might exist called FA.  In there may at one time have been a couple 
alleged version of this mysterious software but I can't swear to that.  
If one were to venture to such a site and need a user-id and password, 
I've heard you could try ftpuser and scargo but I can't confirm that.

I heard this is a slowish DSL connection so late night transfers would 
be appreciated if the above information were to be true.  Rumor has it 
that it took, I mean potential could take, 3 to 4 hours but I won't know 
anything about that.

Good luck with your searches.

95 S6 RS2ed

You will find a few BMW e36 folks over hear.  I have a 98 e36 and have 
past Bimmers - (2) e30, e34, e28.  The e36 is much lighter and more 
tossable in the twisties but it lacks the turbo kick which is always a 

You will also find several crazy high HP Audis in the Denver area.  
Super nice rides in that area for sure.

On 9/28/2010 11:22 AM, Dusten Tornow wrote:
> Howdy -
> I just picked up a '95 S6 Avant this past weekend, thought I'd introduce myself and ask some new guy questions.
> I'm a former BMW guy, having just sold my built e36 m3 and supercharged 318ti.  I live in Denver (where there seems to be a high concentration of the urS6 cars).  I helped a friend (Matt Pelkey, I think he's on this list) with a RS2 upgrade on his '95.5 Avant a couple years back, before he sold it.  I've got a couple questions that I'm hoping you can help me with, just to get me started:
> 1.       Can I search the s-car-list archives?  I checked the audifans.com wiki and couldn't find anything, I'm sure I'm missing something here.
> 2.       Is there an online parts catalog available with exploded views and OEM part numbers?  BMW folks have this:  http://realoem.com/bmw/select.do, there are a variety of small parts that I need to source, and finding part numbers has been a pain!
> 3.       Recommendation for OEM parts supplier?  I don't mind paying a small amount extra for great service/fast turn around.
> 4.       Oil recommendation (hope this isn't a can of worms!)?  I'm not sure when oil was changed last, what are you folks running?  I'm totally stock.
> Thanks in advance!
> Dusten Tornow
> '95 S6 Avant - needing some TLC
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