[s-cars] engine rebuild

Joshua Van Tol josh at spiny.com
Wed Apr 20 06:17:59 PDT 2011

I can't answer as to the advisability of performance upgrades, but $3500 for
a good quality stock rebuild is pretty reasonable. Find out what exactly
you're getting for that price though. There are a lot of extras that you
might want to consider "while you're in there".

For example, you may wish to consider the following items:

Replacing or cleaning fuel injectors.
Replacing cooling system hoses. Nothing sucks more than blowing your new
engine because a hose lets go.
Replacing the clutch.
Engine and transmission mounts.
Transmission refresh? Maybe you have a few worn synchros, easier to do while
the engine's already out.
Install block heater.
Ignition Coils.
Replace oil cooler lines.
New radiator?
New belt tensioner, idler roller?
Aux coolant pump

Then, if you're considering higher power levels you may wish to consider
upgraded connecting rods, porting of the head, upgraded pistons (although
the stock ones are very stout), balance everything, etc.

On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 7:49 PM, Martin Baggenstos <
martin.baggenstos at gmail.com> wrote:

> Everyone,
>  I just got the answer to why my 1995 S6 with 168,000 miles on it is
> smoking so much and it is because of excessive leaking around the rings in
> the engine and I am now told that my solution to fix it is going to be an
> engine replacement or rebuild. I was quoted around 3500 for a rebuild by
> 2bennett and wanted to find out if this seems reasonable. I am currently
> running an RS2 setup with MRC software and if I go ahead with a rebuild, I
> am considering upgrading the turbo and software. Has anyone upgraded to the
> turbos and software that 034motorsports offer and do you like it compared
> to
> an RS2 setup. I am looking for something that is still drivable in the city
> as I don't plan to track the car but has more power than my current RS2
> setup and I still would like a good low end response without the lag from
> the really large turbos they offer.  Thanks.
> Martin
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