[s-cars] Summary: Replacement car for urS4

jeff postupack jeff.postupack at gmail.com
Thu Aug 18 18:22:08 PDT 2011

that's a tough one to answer.. but I'll tell you this.

Of the ones on your list, I drove a 2004 Passat 4Motion GLX that Force5 has
sale (Concord NH)
I was definitely impressed for the money..and i like working with Chris,
he's always done well by me!

Passat has Decent power, lots of space, the drive train of a Quattro
essentially, V6, leather, Typhoon (?) stereo..
darn nice car for me..

I was converging on buying it, because I store my '94 Pearl RS2-S4 iduring

And I prolly would have bought it from Chris.. .. but  then I found
else for this moment, better suited to my wife and I .

I don't want to say yet, (what I am buying) until I take the title and
keys.. but it is an Audi.

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