[s-cars] GoPro camera installation

Lee Levitt lee at wheelman.com
Thu Feb 10 12:34:24 PST 2011

They are great little cameras.

With regard to mounting,  I fabricated a headrest mount for a small video
camera many years ago, but it was BUTTugly. So when I bought the GoPro last
year, I also picked up this sweet little mount:


Weighs nothing, stays on the autocross/track car (my A4) all summer, and
looks cool. If you have backseat passengers, you should probably remove it.
I'd like to see a quick release option on the mounts, maybe I'll ask Eric
about that.

I also picked up a bike helmet mount and wore the GoPro for my two day, 200
mile bike ride raising money for cancer research (www.pmc.org). Got some
pretty good videos from that...



Scott J writes:

 Go Pros are becoming the grey area in many motorsports, and many more
motorsports allow them permanently affixed to the vehicle (read forget the
suction cup mount, but the stick-on mounts are allowed).  They are so small
and so light compared to the typical lb-weight videos of the past, IMO there
is no reason to restrict them to inside the vehicle.  I rarely use the
suction cup mount on my Go-pro camera, and prefer the permanent sticky
clip-in mounts supplied.  I put one on the roof of the Steamboat track car
last year, and I'd venture that short of a rollover, that beast isn't going

HTH and my .02

Scott J

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