[s-cars] Early build 92 S4 owners: Question about your ECU PN and chip sockets

David Forgie forgied at shaw.ca
Mon Jan 3 11:15:07 PST 2011

The full ECU PN is 4A0907551A or 4A0907551AA. I am trying to figure out when the switch from
 socketed ECU boost and timing chips to soldered chips occurred. Rumour has it that the 551A is 
socketed and the 551AA is soldered. This probably only applies to the very early months of 1992
 S4 production, i.e. Aug, Sept, Oct. 1991.

ECU photo:

ECU access instructions for the curious (who haven't found their ECU before):

Any info will be appreciated.

I am hoping Bob Myers and/or Steve Eiche might have some records of this.

Dave F.

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