[s-cars] By-pass valve

Tom Green trgreen at comcast.net
Wed Jan 12 12:26:40 PST 2011

The valves come with the o-rings lubricated with a synthetic grease.   
A thin coat of plastilube works well.  You are correct that it gums up  
with use.  The piston valves are not maintenance free and will require  
periodic cleaning and re-lubrication.

Tom '95 S6
          '95.5 S6 avant
Knoxville, TN

On Wednesday January 12, 2011, at 10:32 AM, Dennis  Graber<dgraber460 at aol.com 
 > wrote:

> What is the conventional wisdom regarding the cleaning and (if any)  
> lubrication of the aluminum by-pass valves? Any lube that won't  
> interfere with sensors etc or gum up with use? Maybe a graphite dry  
> type?
> I have a Forge AL valve that needs to be periodically cleaned, and  
> if left dry seems to be have a little drag in operation. The  
> machining and quality of this valve is very good and I might be  
> getting another as I have 3 oem plastic valves that are all  
> ruptured. I have seen posts where many listers recommend the oem  
> units, but they don't seem to hold up for me.
> TIA. Any advice appreciated.
> Dennis
> Denver

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