[s-cars] dangerous binding/sticking throttle issue?

Ian Duff ian at inside-overlap.com
Sun Jun 5 09:35:09 PDT 2011

Given it seems to happen at WOT, and not idle, have you tried rocking the motor to see if perhaps aged motor mounts might be allowing the engine to shift a smudge at WOT, perhaps causing some binding in the throttle linkage?

-Ian Duff, sent from my mobile, please excuse the brevity, spelling and punctuation.

On Jun 5, 2011, at 9:33, chris chambers <fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> JC,
> I would give the throttle body, throttle blade and shaft a through cleaning, 
> contaminants there could cause a sticking throttle.
> Chris
> ________________________________
> From: JC <jc at j2c3.com>
> To: S-Cars <s-car-list at audifans.com>
> Sent: Sun, June 5, 2011 8:09:27 AM
> Subject: [s-cars] dangerous binding/sticking throttle issue?
> I posted this on QW but think it might be a better question for the
> eggzperts over here... any suggestions hugely appreciated as always..... 
> Always wondered if I had a stuck throttle if I'd have the presence of mind
> and reaction time to shut down the key fast enough. Apparently I do. 
> Happened on first WOT pull after a whole bunch of work including oil change,
> installing Samco's and metal intercooler etc. etc. 
> Pulling over couldn't find a single thing sticky w/ the throttle cable or
> shaft/plate motion. Started up fine, another drive and no repeat, BUT I
> occasionally seem to feel some mechanical resistance/stickyness/binding down
> just off idle... like shifting when I first start to press there's a bit of
> binding then it releases. Maddeningly whenever I check this static w out
> engine running I can find NO problem and everyting runs smooth as silk. 
> Is there any known problem/issue/thing-to-check here? Cruise linkage seems
> fine and never touched. The dashpot thing I removed briefly to make getting
> the hose clamp on easier but AFAICT is all back exactly as previous and
> working fine...
> ---- current ----
> 1995.5 S6 Avant 
> 2003 E46 M3 Cic
> 2008 A3 2.0tDSG
> ---- past lives ----
> 2006 A4 2.0TQA
> 1998 A6Q 2.8 PES G2
> 1989 200TQA SJM
> 1990 CQ
> 1997 A4 1.8TQ Wett
> 1987 4kCSQ 
> John J. Cunningham
> <mailto:jc at j2c3.com> jc at j2c3.com
> US Mobile +1 (617) 750-5025
> China Mobile: +86 (0) 136 8175 8180
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