[s-cars] Drivetrain/CV Boot success story (kinda long)

Jim Fleischer jim at almgt.com
Thu Jun 30 19:03:51 PDT 2011

Hey all,

First of all, many thanks to all those who responded to my incessant questions over the last 6 months or so regarding the Driveshaft R&R project.  I was able to get under the car quite a bit this last week, and with the help of a buddy, was able to just replace my front CV joint on the driveshaft, inspect the center bearing, and regrease the rear CV.  No full driveshaft rebuild, so saved about $350 for now. Exhaust went back in easily as well.  Also replaced the right front CV boot, and after much cussing last night trying to remount the shock tower in the control arm, a buddy came by this a.m. and helped tie it all together.  Then drove 30 miles back and forth to work today and all is very well and smooth up through triple digits.  So nice to have the S back after nearly a month!

During the month, I was fortunate to have the service of a 2009 Honda Civic......very appreciative of the lend, but reinforced why I love my 14-year-older Audi.....there is just no comparison.  I did notice how much heavier the "pig" is, but the overall driving experience is so much more enjoyable.

Thanks again all, I wasn't sure if I should tackle this but didn't have a choice, really, and could not have done it without the collective wisdom and BTDT's.

Best regards,

Jim Fleischer
'95 urS6 avant, back to DD!

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