[s-cars] motor mounts

Stephen Marinello smarinello at entouch.net
Wed Aug 29 19:15:35 PDT 2012

Sorry to hear that. Just put the 034 mounts on the avant last month. Seems to be mixed opinions; wish I'd heard the other side. They seem okay, but I'd hate to have to pay for labor to replace them again.

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On Aug 29, 2012, at 11:36 AM, Steve Mills <s.b.mills at gmail.com> wrote:

> I wouldn't install 034's motor mounts if they were free- entirely too many reports of very early failure, and worse 034 pretending that no problem exists. 
> As far as replacing the mounts, check the FAQ in the S4/S6 forum on quattroworld. The driver's side is pretty easy to get at, passenger is a bit more challenging. 
> On Aug 29, 2012, at 12:49 PM, Martin Baggenstos <martin.baggenstos at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello eveyone,
>> I have some worn out motor mounts that need replacement and was wondering
>> if anyone has a write up on how to replace them on a 95 S6. They are
>> actually polyurethane 034 motor mounts which have worn out over 5 years.
>> Does that seem pretty quick to anyone. I am assuming that I could drive the
>> car up on a ramp and support the engine with a jack underneath. I have
>> changed the snub mount out before which is easy but not the motor or
>> transmission mounts, but from what I read, it seems pretty simple and I am
>> good with tools and have done other mechanical work on the car before. Any
>> advice would be appreciated.
>> Martin
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