[s-cars] J Hose *Resolution*

Andy Schor walbum1 at verizon.net
Fri Jul 27 15:35:17 PDT 2012

Thanks to Steve for his offer and the others who responded.  I took my hose 
out to a local shop.  They re-made it while I waited, using 2250 grade hose, 
for ~35 bucks.  Whew, that could have been a lot worse.

A few of you may know, I bought this car back in April and have had various 
issues come up almost one after the other.  I'm certainly not a q-virgin, 
this is my 8th quattro, my other car is a '95 S6 sedan.  The last one ('91 
Avant) I sold had over 300K miles, so I've paid my dues to the Audi-gods 
over the years.  Evidently this one wasn't quite as well 'sorted' as it was 
purported to be.  Jeez, I guess I just needed to vent.  I feel better 
already.  This list is like having a support group!


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Andy Schor" <walbum1 at verizon.net>
To: "Scar" <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2012 6:27 PM
Subject: [s-cars] J Hose

>I finally got a chace to look into the P/S leak in my ~new to me '95.5 S6 
>Avant.  As I had already guessed it is indeed the j-hose.  Is this the hose 
>typically rebuilt by Spokane House of Hose or might a local hydraulic place 
>be able to do it?
> Anybody out there have an extra?
> Thanks,
> Andy Schor
> Pittsburgh
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