[s-cars] S-car j-hose House of House rebuild

Tom Green trgreen at comcast.net
Sat May 12 21:53:41 PDT 2012

Jeez, Dennis, relax a minute.  I'm sure they would answer any  
questions you have about the fix, but it may have been my post that  
convinced you to use HOH for the repair, so even though I an not a  
spokesperson for them, I will try to answer.

The restrictor is there.  Look in the tubing end of the upper hard  
line.  You will easily see the little brass restrictor that has been  
installed in a machined recess. ( Compared to the other end, the ID of  
the tubing is much smaller.)  I have not noticed any difference or  
heard of any problems with the restrictor placed there.  In fact, I  
wonder why it was not done that way in the original part. That  
original installation had the restrictor in a length of tubing that  
fit snugly in the center flexible hose.  The replacement hose is the  
closest inch size hose and that tubing does not fit snugly.  Thus, the  
movement to the upper end.

The original hose had the hard lines and banjo fittings oriented in a  
specific position to match the orientation of the attachment points to  
the pump and accumulator.  Even those could be a bitch to get lined up  
on the accumulator;  many times feeling like the hose had to be  
twisted to get the bolt started.  With the new swivel fittings added,  
you will never have that problem, and I think will learn to appreciate  
that feature.  If the job is done locally with a one piece repair, new  
ends have to be brazed on the ends to crimp the hose in place.  The  
guy would have to be a magician to remember the exact angular  
orientation of the ends so you don't need to fight and twist that hose  
to get it in place. From what I have seen, that center hose is cut off  
before that issue is even considered, making it impossible to know.   

I don't see any hose fittings of mine that leak at the attachment  
points, nor do I hear of that problem from others unless the wrench  
operator has done his job improperly.  The only leak I have heard of  
on these added swivel attachments was from someone who forgot to  
tighten them initially, and the only complaint I know of is that the  
fittings are SAE inch sizes, so you need a 'mericun wrench or two handy.

No product can be 100% error free, but I think these guys come as  
close as anyone can.

I hope your install and operation goes smoothly.

Tom '95 S6
          '95.5 S6 avant
Knoxville, TN

On Saturday  May 12, 2012, at 1:49 PM,  Dennis Graber < dgraber460 at aol.com 
 > wrote:

> I just got my hose back after the "rebuild" from the mucho  
> recommended House of Hose.
> When I initially called them no notify them I would be sending it, I  
> specifically asked if they retain the restrictor in the process.  
> They said "sure!. We do these all the time with the restrictor".
> What I received appears to be my original ends with fittings welded  
> on and a new portion of hose to attach between with very nicely  
> welded new ends attached. Two more possible leak points and I can  
> not feel a restrictor in the hose (which my original most assuredly  
> had)!
> NOT at all what I expected!!!
> I could have had that done 5 miles from my house by Pirtek for $40  
> less and 1 day turn around. They just would/could not re-use the  
> restrictor, but it would have been ONE hose not 3 pieces!
> What am I missing here. Not sure I want to install it, and I would  
> like the center portion of my old hose back so that I at the very  
> least still "posess" the much discussed restrictor.
> Is it in the insulated portion and I can't feel it? Since it was  
> clean I blew through both ends and felt no restrictions whatsoever.
> Others with experience on this want to chime in with info as to  
> whether this matches others results?
> Dennis
> Denver

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