[s-cars] UrS DIY info for UrS DIY neophytes

David Forgie forgied at shaw.ca
Sun May 20 12:11:30 PDT 2012

Thomas:  There is lots of UrS DIY info out there, including some excellent DIYs by Fred Munro on 
this forum.  Some of those lived on S-cars.org but that seems to be done again (Error 404).  Not to
 worry, most of those, plus more, are on quattroworld where there is an excellent Frequently Asked
 Questions (FAQ) section . In the qw FAQ there are two sections that consolidate much of the info 
regarding the UrS Engine Bay devices and the Chassis systems:

Engine Bay Device Map (long, manual, version): http://forums.quattroworld.com/s4s6/msgs/22625.phtml
Engine Bay Device Map (live label, shorter version, just click on the labels):


UrS System and Chassis Map (long, manual version):
UrS System and Chassis Map (live label, shorter version, just click on the labels):

And of course, the general UrS-car FAQ:

If you don't find what you need, post your question here (or quattroworld) and you will no doubt get your answer.

Dave F.

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