[s-cars] Power Steering Hose Replacement

Steve Mills s.b.mills at gmail.com
Mon Nov 26 11:42:57 PST 2012

Spokane House of Hose has a good record rebuilding the pump to
accumulator/bomb (otherwise known as the "J") hose. However, pretty much
any hydraulic shop should be able to do the same without the turnaround due
to shipping. I've used Pirtek successfully on a few occasions- just make
sure they know that the hose is for a mineral oil system.

One thing to be careful about is the length on the J-hose is fairly
critical- a bit short and you won't be able to start the bolt on the bomb
end. Don't ask me how I know this, but the Pirtek guy rebuilt it longer for
free ;-)


On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 10:05 AM, Paul Luevano <paul at clarity.net> wrote:

> All-
>         I just got the car back from the mechanic.  One of the things I
> asked to be done was to investigate and fix a power steering leak. Well, it
> wasn't done.  They determined that the leak is from the hose that runs from
> the pump to the accumulator and that this hose in NLA in NA.  They would
> have to order the part from the fatherland at some thing north of $500 for
> the part alone, never mind installation.
>         Questions:  Does anyone have part number/source for this hose? Is
> this something that people have successfully had places like
> http://www.spokanehose.com/ rebuild, and if so, what kind of turnaround
> (from Boston) am I looking at?
>         Thanks much!
> Paul
> Wayland, MA
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