[s-cars] Avant Rear tailgate vacuum leak.....

Peter Golledge petergolledge at gmail.com
Fri Aug 16 23:24:52 PDT 2013

Very likely the latch locking actuator.  Not hard to replace 
fortunately.  Getting the trim off, that requires instructions or you 
will break more or it than is already like broken after 18 years.  Can't 
find the write up right now but the key is pulling the two flat carpet 
cover flaps on the inside to expose hidden screws.  A most evil design.

On 3/7/2013 11:09 PM, Jim Fleischer wrote:
> Hey guys,
> My '95 avant tailgate has been hissing at me when I activate the central locking system....there's a vacuum leak somewhere in the passenger side.  Before I take the rear cover off, was wondering what I should be looking at/for.....also, I'd like to rebuild the rear hatch cover as far as securing it more completely to the rear hatch.  Any fasteners I should have handy to help make that happen?  Any BTDT writeups?  Any help truly appreciated.  Thanks!
> Jim Fleischer
> '95 urS6 avant (hissing and rattling)
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