[s-cars] downpipe

jeff postupack jeff.postupack at gmail.com
Sat Feb 9 05:27:35 PST 2013


I was the first to prototype the EFI DP on my RS2-S4..early 2011.. My
motivation was -Stromung didn't want to fab DP's anymore and Marc Swanson
had the connection with Hank Iroz to modify his.

( You may not be aware I've handled a lot of Stromung GB sales over the
years, so I
could convince both Stromung (Scott Taylor) and Marc to take it on. )

As Tom points out, there is no real TQ/Power gain to be had with only the
DP change on your S4.  For RS2 that Gen 4 Stromung is fine. the workmanship
is fantastic and I think Hank Iroz uses 304 stainless for the DP.

However, since 'everybody' modding these cars now see's  RS2 as a No-OP..
and blaze right onto bigger hybrid turbos, VEMS etc... the Stromung Gen4 DP
has fitment issues. I needed a better downpipe. (basically Stromung Gen4
wastegate hits the tie rod because the larger turbos move the turbo hotside
back toward the firewall , about 1/2")

I felt the EFIExpress DP would solve numerous issues.. fitment to bigger
turbos, better quality construction, backward compatible, while Stromung
supplies the Gen5 center cat and rear resonator/muffler from LA.

You'll be pleased to know, the EFIExpress with Stromung flange fitment WILL
bolt up to a Stromung Gen4, 3, 2 with no changes.

I must tell you, that EFIExpress downpipe is 'magnificent'  email me if you
want to see photos on my S4-RS2


Jeff Postupack
a.k.a. Posto

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