[s-cars] Viscous Fan Bearing Replacement

djdawson2 at aol.com djdawson2 at aol.com
Thu Jan 17 07:48:01 PST 2013

Every one I've ever taken apart was reverse thread... FWIW.

When you reassemble, use a little anti-seize on the threads.  You really don't even need to tighten it much, as the drag of driving the fan will do that for you.




-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Golledge <petergolledge at gmail.com>
To: racingiron <racingiron at comcast.net>
Cc: s-car-list <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Thu, Jan 17, 2013 8:17 am
Subject: Re: [s-cars] Viscous Fan Bearing Replacement


No help on LH vs. RH thread question but on my 95 I did the following:

1.  Took the fan off the viscous clutch
2.  Secured the pulley with a large strap wrench (and a second person to 
hold/brace it)
3.  Used a large open end (with some grinding down) to loosen the clutch

As with most stuck things heat cycling from a torch and penetrating oil 
will help.  When you get to inserting the bearing into the housing I 
recommend putting the bearing in the freezer overnight and heating the 
housing in a very hot oven.  This allowed my bearing to drop right in 
with no stress.

On 1/16/2013 8:04 PM, racingiron at comcast.net wrote:
> I've got a growl from the engine bay that's getting progressively worse.  I've 
pinpointed the source as the viscous fan bearing.  I was hoping to replace it 
tonight, and everything went fine until I tried to get the clutch off.  I've got 
a 32mm bicycle headset wrench and I made a pin wrench to secure the pulley.  I 
applied massive force in both directions with no hint of movement, except from 
the entire engine.  I destroyed my pin wrench, so I'll go rent a real one from 
the FLAPS.  I'll probably also buy a longer 32mm fan wrench to get more 
leverage.  The '93 popped right off with little drama.
> My question: What's the most likely thread direction on a '92?  My '93 was 
normal righthand.  Bentley says flatly that they're lefthand (obviously 
sometimes untrue).  I've seen reports of each in the archives.  The pulley (and 
probably the flange it rides on) and the clutch are slightly different between 
my '92 and '93, so I'm wondering if I should expect reverse threads.  Any tips 
for breaking a stubborn clutch free?
> Eric R.
> '86 urq
> '92 urS
> '93 urS
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