[s-cars] Misfire on 95.5 S6

JC jc at j2c3.com
Thu Jan 24 22:42:05 PST 2013

Just 2 points - one is how fast a HG failure could cascade will be 
different on S4's w/ non-metal HG vs S6's with.  So S4 folks should be 
even more vigilant...  Not to say you want to ignore the possibility w/ 

On a more cheerful note - don't get TOO freaked out about cracks around 
seats if you have the head off.  I don't have it handy but the factory 
spec for acceptable crack size is some huge number. Veteran Audi mechs 
and machinists are well aware and good with this but generic shops will 
set off alarm bells and tell you to melt it down for scrap when it very 
well might be completely serviceable.  I believe a number of usable 
heads have been tossed on scrap heap by non-Audi guys who don't have the 
book numbers and have a zero tolerance for cracks in mind...

That's all I got today from Switzerland.


On 1/25/2013 6:20, dgraber460 at aol.com wrote:
> Dave is spot on.
> Happened to my car. I caught it time to not ruin the head from this trauma, but the other common issue is when you get the head off to "rebuild it while your in there" is the cracks in the valve seats that make the head not rebuildable.
> Used "non-cracked" donors are getting really hard to find.
> Good luck.
> Dennis
> Denver

*John J. Cunningham*
/US Mobile +1 (617) 750-5025
China Mobile: +86 136 8175 8180/

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